Wednesday, November 16, 2011

i heart simple. crafts.

homemade crayons. 
As you know from the past few weeks I heart simple things. Especially around the holidays! Why add to the madness? I also heart being crafty. So here is a simple, simple craft I did last year that will provide you will gifts you can use for your kiddos friends. 

Supplies needed:
Holiday Cookie Sheet

Step One: Gather your crayons and your holiday cookie sheet. 
Mine is from Target. 
Step Two: Pre-heat your oven for 225 and slice the wrapper off the crayons - 
it was a pain to pick it off!
Step Three: Begin filling your holes with FIVE whole crayons broken into pieces.
If you can't fit all five in right away set them aside for after they have melted a bit in the oven. 
Place them in the oven for an hour. 

Step Four: After about 20 minutes- stir your crayons to make sure the colors are getting all mixed together. 
Add the rest of your crayons if you weren't able to fit five in at the beginning. 
Step Five: Place them in the freezer after you remove from the oven. Just wait till they easily pop out of pan. 
P.S. You need a steady hand removing them from the over so the crayon juice doesn't leak into the other holes. 

Step Six: You can shave off the clear film that is left on the back. 
I made a little bag using stitch witchery and then added a bow. 

Budget friendly, easy, and practical gift for the kids classmates.

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