Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Utmost Thanks to the Flat Girl!

Dearest Flat Jamie,
Words cannot express my thanks to you for joining me on this grand adventure to The Relevant Conference. You were a strong and silent partner in my otherwise fear filled yet exciting trip.
I have fond memories of our early, early morning trip to the Phoenix airport. We shared a cup of hot apple cider, picked up our People and In Style magazine, and made it through security without a hitch. I was thankful they didn’t ID  or search you. You were a pleasure to fly with. You contently sat at my feet and required no peanuts, soda, or bathroom breaks.
We then entertained ourselves for four hours in the Cincinnati airport. We ate, blogged, and I ignored you while I got in a good long chat with my college bestie. I ALMOST got up the nerve to take your picture with the ticket agent who would go in the “hottie” category of life but I chickened out. You can see his elbow below. As the plane neared Harrisburg my nerves started kicking in.
What if my roomie and I didn’t get along? (Turned out great!) What if this was just a waste of money? (Turned out incredibly meaningful and challenging) What if I am just a total dork because I don’t know anyone? (Turns out there were a lot of people in the same boat)
You walked hand in hand with me through picking a seat for every meal, for that first night in the beach lounge (terrifying), and as tears spilled during the meaningful music of Christa Wells and Shaun Groves. You were a great partner.
I fear I failed you in not getting enough pictures of you with other attendees. I seriously stood waiting to get your picture with Ann Voskamp for at least 15 minutes and when it was my turn my battery died on my phone! Boo!!!!
But you can see our adventure below in picture form.
It was a true pleasure and privilege.
With Joy, Carey

a. Dawn from The Mama Knows
b. Attending a MODSquad meet up
c. Denise from Denise in Bloom
d. You and Me!
e. Sally Clarkson. Sarah Mae popping her head out. Can’t believe I didn’t realize I was casting a shadow.
f. Emily Freeman from Chatting with the Sky
g. Donna from Hey Donna!
h. Trina Holden from All That Is Good
i. Rachel Martin from Finding Joy and Cheryl from Somewhat Crunchy
j. Stephanie Langford or Keeper of the Home,  Joy Forney of Grace Full Mama, Jessica Heights of Muthering Heights
k. Stacey Thacker of 29 Lincoln Avenue (Stacy, can you help with the names of the other ladies?)
l. Oh why, oh why can’t I remember! If anyone knows this sweet gal please let me know!
m. Michelle from SomeGirl’s Website
n. Elbow of the “hottie” ticket agent
o. All the Speakers. (You are soooo cool Flat Jamie)
p. Rockin in the Harrisburg Airport

* I truly, truly, truly do thank Jamie Worley from See Jamie Blog for this honor. It was a blast!
See Jamie Blog

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