Thursday, January 26, 2012

The mask remains.

If you really knew.
What would think if you really knew me? I mean really.
If you knew about the mistakes.
If you knew I have parts of my story that would make you shake your head or gasp.
If you knew that blatant lies have been told for the sake of safety.  
Would you see me the same as you see me now or would your eyes see someone different?
Would there be less respect, less awe, or less wonder?
You might actually relate to me better. You think?
I am not sure. Sometimes we like people to stay on pedestals. We like them to not be human. We like the pretend worlds we create rather than real life.
We like to think that perfect really exist even though
it only exist in the One.
Or at least I know I did. Then I realized it is impossible. Impossible.
What would you think if you really knew me? I mean really.
I wish I could share, I really do but I don’t trust it.
Is that coming from me or coming from you?
Does it create an imaginary wall that you don’t know is even there?
Maybe the distance I feel is my doing?
Maybe the intimidation you feel is me too?
What would you think if you really knew me?
Sometimes I want to share. Sometimes I want to relate. Sometimes I want to give wisdom I have because I have been there and done that.
But that sometimes never turns into this time.
What would you think if you really knew me? What would you think?
I wonder. But will never know. I doubt there will be an ever know.
And so the mask remains.
And so the mask remains. 

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