Thursday, January 26, 2012


My first thought was a kiss. A tender kiss. I often wonder if THE kiss of betrayal received was tender?
But then I began to wander. 
Tender touch during worship
Tender hand holding during shared prayer. 
Tender moments. 
So many tender moments.

Receiving a child in your arms after birth. Tender.

Receiving words of affirmation in a card. Tender.

Receiving a surprise text message in the middle of my day that expresses love. Tender.

Handling chores without an ounce of whine. Tender.

A warm snuggly bed. Tender

Long conversations with friends. Tender.

Falling asleep with little people. Tender.

Reading the Word. Tender.

Tender. Gentle. Loving.

Thank you God for your tenderness with us. Thank you. 

Hanging out at Five Minute Fridays Today! 

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Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: