Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Who needs consequences?

He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3 b

You don’t have to teach kids to hit, or not share, or use ugly words. It just comes naturally. 

We spend most of our moments as moms helping them make the good choice. Helping them understand why it’s a good choice and what the consequences will be when they don’t make the good choice. 

This is modeled to us by our parent, God. While He loves us all the time, He wants us on the right path, His path. When we make the choice to get off that path there are consequences. While consequences are never fun, they are lessons learned to help keep us going in the right direction. We would be doing our children a disservice to not treat them the same way our Creator treats us.

Have you established consequences for various behaviors such as talking back, lying, or acting up a school? If you aren’t clear about them then your kids for sure aren’t. 

To view the entire clipping click here. 

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