Sunday, March 11, 2012

Do you need a shake and stir?

I have more dreams than I can count. They live inside my head and in the words that fill the pages of my journals.
The important thing for me is that they live. Some are more faded than vibrant but most of them are colorful little squirts that move me, shake me, and wake me at crazy hours of the morning.
I hope you have dreams? Dreams that are alive…dreams that are as close to you as people.

I have grand adventurous dreams of sailing the ocean blue.

Simple hopes and dreams of putting away the laundry and going to bed with an empty sink.

Then there are my very favorite dreams..God given dreams!  I dream of walking with mamas as they make Godtime easier. Not less meaningful, just easier. Can I walk hand in hand with you?

The Dream Plaque from DaySpring is a beautiful reminder to dare, step, follow, & DREAM.
It reminds me to never give up, to keep pushing, seeking, and to go to THE One who gives the dreams and makes them possible.
Do you need that reminder?
Do the dreams in you need a nudge? Maybe a bit of a stir and a shake?
There is nothing more powerful than a girl, her journal, a pen, and some God time to get your dreams doing flips and flops in your heart again.

The Perfectly Loved Journal by Holly Gerth is a gem of a journal. Filled with scriptures and reminders that guide and direct you. If you are an avid journaler you want to add this to your collection and if you have never journaled before be encouraged in this journal by Holly and her wisdom. This journal is not only beautiful on the outside but the inside is a constant reminder of His love for you. His belief in you.

He dreams for you and desires to see those dreams come alive through you on earth. 

May your day and night be filled with sweet, sweet dreams!

* DaySpring did provide me with this product for free to review but all thoughts and feelings come from me. 

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Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: