Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Do you have a prayer request?

I am a planner. 
I know what is going to happen each day on this blog for the entire month. Honestly, planning is the only thing that keeps me somewhat sane. So there was a post planned for today. But I had NO idea that I would feel such a heavy heart and mind right now. 
If you follow Cravings on Facebook and Twitter then you know about our little cousin. If you don't let me catch you up. We have a young cousin that discovered she has a large brain tumor last week. She went from being irritated by headaches to finding out she would undergo a major and dangerous operation within days. An eight hour surgery happened yesterday and the doctors are saying they are pleased. Obviously, there is a huge road to recovery ahead. They have no idea what the results will be once she wakes. They also have to wait till Thursday to find out if the tumor contains cancer. I am very thankful for your prayers already!!! Will you please keep praying for her? Her name is Maddy. 
My mama heart is just breaking and heavy. I have been hugging my kids tighter, paying closer attention, and making sure they know I love them. As a Christian I know the deal. I know and believe in heaven. I know God can create good in any situation but I am still asking the "why?" question. I am still telling Him to "fix!" it.
Have you been there?
You are so kind to be praying for my family. Is there a way I can be praying for you? I would love the honor of doing that. 

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Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: