Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mamas Unite!

Thanks for being here.
Thanks for reading this.
Words cannot express my thankfulness.
This whole project is a dream for me. This is a God given dream that I had to dare myself to step out and into. I am so blessed by the opportunities coming my way to spread the word about Cravings {The Devotional}. Plus I have so many more ideas zooming around about how to help mamas of the world make God time easier. 
Not less meaningful, just easier.
But if I can be real with you for a minute I could really use your help. It is not easy being a new kid on the block in the world of publishing and product development. I need mamas of the world to unite and help me spread the word about this little gem of a product. I know it is a lot to ask but if you wouldn’t mind doing one or more of the following things this week I would be even more grateful.
Here is how you could help:
1. Share the product “one-sheet” (you can download below) with your local Christian bookstore. Does your church have a little gift shop? Share it with them. Encourage them to order the product to sell. You can emphasis that it would make great gift giving for the upcoming Mother’s Day holiday. Or if you just get me the email address of who to contact I will take it from there. 
2. Share this link to the product on your social media outlets. Every little bit helps.
3. Think of Cravings when you are searching for the perfect gift for baby showers, visiting a new mom in the hospital, or maybe as a giveaway at your woman’s small group.

Again, if I could shower each of you with a spa day and Blue Bell ice cream I would. I hope "thank you" will suffice for now. 
click below to download and print
Carey C. Bailey - One Sheet

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Thoughts of a Cravings Mama: