Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I am Hungry! You better run.

“Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry Luke 4:1-2

Cravings Launch Party
When I get hungry I get grumpy. Soooo, sooo, sooo very grumpy. Like, run for the hills away from me grumpy. And I am not just talking about being hungry for food. I am also talking about soul hunger.

It brings me a certain sense of comfort to know that even Jesus was tempted…even Jesus felt the pains of hunger. I am daily tempted to be lazy, to say rude things, to snap at my kids, to not show compassion, to be a smart aleck to my husband, to judge others, and to (insert 15 other things.)

Daily I fall short. But without a doubt the days I am at my best are the days I am full on His word. The days I make the choice to read my Bible in the morning, listen to worship music throughout the day, and be in constant conversation with Him through prayer are the days my soul is satisfied.

When His nourishment fills my insides the hunger grump in me stays tame. And unlike a carb overload there really is no way to overload on the word of God. I dare you to try it. 

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