Thursday, May 24, 2012


I started blogging when I found out I was going to have a baby as a way to keep my Texas family up to date. One kid, one blog. Two kids, two blogs. Then I wanted a blog so there were three blogs. Then I launched a product so that made four blogs. Sadly through the launch of Cravings my kids blogs have been forgotten. But I have so enjoyed reading this series by my sweet friend at Finding Joy about intentional parenting and I am loving the fun at Joy’s Hope on her Friday Instagram posts that I decided I wanted to join the party!
Here is a week in the life of the Bailey Fam!

I got to go to my favorite Mexican Food spot this past weekend! Yippee for Saturdays off!

I asked my son to grab me some toilet paper for the bathroom. He came back with this and said
 "Mommy, we only have toilet paper for babies!"

My son got hungry and decided to snack on Daddy. 

Our lime tree decided to make lemons!????

This is her turn off the blender, vacuum, or anything slightly loud stance. 

life rearranged

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