Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How to have the Sex Talk.

A few weeks ago a mom stopped me as I was dropping off my four year old son at preschool and she said “Every day my daughter comes home and tells me she is getting married and says she is marrying Renn Jackson Bailey.” I laughed, marveled at how cool my sons name is, and put it out of my head.

But as I was recounting the story to my husband I started to think about the reality of this statement. At FOUR, at four years old this little girl is already aware of the idea of getting married and bigger than that married to MY son!!! Yikes!!!

I was a little girl who was writing down all the names of my one day children in my journal by the age of six. I wasn’t aware of how those children actually arrived but I was certainly aware I wanted them.

“Carey, where are you going with this?” is what you are thinking right about now. I guess I have been realizing how young kids start thinking about sex. Not the act of sex but things that will eventually lead to sex. 

It was perfect timing because I was recently asked by Chris Spradlin of Epic Parent to take a look at his new, FREE, ebook and to share a review. So here is goes!

Within the first 3 pages I was blown away. It is daring, bold, graphic, embarrassing for those of us that are prudes, and crazy to the bone honest. The title will help you understand: Sex, Lust, & XXX : Fighting for your Kids’ purity ina sex-saturated world.

His goal is to help parents fulfill their purpose in guarding, protecting, and fighting for their kids’ hearts. While my kids are little (2 &4). I am realizing they are never too young for me to heighten my awareness of how culture and the world is influencing them. My goodness, my son already has a girl ready to sink her hooks into him! J

Let me just tease you with a few chapter titles from this book:
Every Dad Needs to Tell His Son How to Have Sex (Ahhhhhhh...you can scare your husband by just leaving this chapter at his bedside)
Hoochie Mamas and Pimp Daddies: Dress Your Kids for Success 
Ten Tips for Protecting Your Kids on Facebook

Seriously, there is zero reason to NOT pop over and get this free book right now that will most definitely guide you in the hot topic discussions with school aged kids and will get your wheels aware with your preschoolers.  

Chris has a way about him that will capture your attention, make you think, and guide you in putting biblical principles into action.

I strongly recommend reading Sex, Lust, & XXX today.
P.S. – You may want to let your husband know what you are downloading before he looks on your Kindle and wonders what the heck it is. 

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