Sunday, September 9, 2012

God, You are pretty clever.

Last week I asked You for a sign. Just something that would help me to know that You know we are here… a reminder that I am not invisible. Those can be hard to see when you find yourself in the midst of a pity party.

But sure enough, like always, You delivered. It just took me a few days to realize it.

J (smiling)

I started noticing last week that something I had written way back in April for the blog had gone viral on Pinterest. It struck me as odd that something written and posted so long ago was just getting attention now but I am not going to complain…it is always nice. I took a look at what it was and didn’t think twice. But then the hits kept coming all week and I looked at it again and it smacked me. You are talking to me through my own post.

“Not my will but Yours be done.”
“Not MY will BUT Yours be done.”
“NOT my will but YOURS BE done”

Thanks for the reminder God. Thanks for the reminder.

J (smiling)

This isn’t about me. This is about You and what You have planned for our lives. Maybe we can’t see it clearly right now and maybe the uncertainty even makes us nervous but what we do know for certain is that our hope and trust are in You AND Your will.

Help me to have ears that listen and a heart that is open.

J One more smile for the road. Thanks for seeing me in the midst of the little things. 

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