Tuesday, December 6, 2011

With You.

Image from Triple the Scraps

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14

Immanuel means God with us. Did you know that?
He is with you. With you when you wake, with you when you grumble at your reflection in the mirror, with while you pack lunches, with you when you argue with the kids about getting up, with you when you tell them “no” because Mama truly knows best, and with you when you don’t think you can do one more load of laundry. He is with you. He came to you in the form of a baby so that you would never be alone. He is with you even when it feels like you are swimming in a sea of aloneness. Immanuel is there. Never leaving and never forsaking. Can you feel Him? Is the hustle and bustle drowning Him out?
Be intentional. Go to Him because He came to you.

Find 10 minutes to be still today and be with God. 

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